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Mobile-first indexing

As mobile web browsing figures rise, We fill you in on how Google now prioritises mobile website content over desktop content and where your content stands.
In March Google rolled out mobile-first indexing which is their new approach to indexing content.

In the design community, mobile-first has been a phrase we have been using for years in terms of website creation; i.e. concentrate on usability and delivering content on small screen devices and expanding for larger desktop screens.

So it's no surprise that Google have been planning this new way of indexing our website content. For a couple of years now Google have been very open about informing us of the rules and changes - no more guessing about what we are supposed to be doing. Until now Googles crawling, indexing, and ranking system uses the desktop version of a page content to determine its value and rank.

Desktop versions of a web page can be wildly different from the mobile display version and thus potentially making content harder to find for mobile users.

Google will continue to have a single index, so there will not be separate rankings for desktops and mobiles, if you have a website and a dedicated mobile website then Google will simply prioritise the content from the mobile site first.

If your website only has desktop content then it will continue to be represented in the Google index, if your website has been developed responsively or to adapt to multiple devices then again, the way Google indexes your website will not change.

Having mobile friendly content is still beneficial for increased mobile search performance and we're focused on desktops AND mobile performance overall. In conjunction with our Search Engine Optimisation commitments, we're now building client websites for mobile devices and making them "desktop friendly", making terms like "mobile friendly" and "mobile responsive" a thing of the past.

Brilliant have developed responsive websites for all of our clients. If your website isn't setup for mobile browsing, suffers slow page load times, or ranks lower than you would expect, then talk to us today, we can work with you to improve your websites performance and help its Google index result.
Is your website a true representative of your business?
All systems Go!
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01279 725358


To discuss your Brilliant website, call us on 01279 725358 or send us an email enquiry below…