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Environmental Policy

Caring for and assisting the environment is high on the agenda at Brilliant. Every aspect of production is regularly analysed regarding the impact on the environment and the necessary steps required to minimise waste and encourage recycling.

The following are already in place:

Paper, cardboard and waste recycling All shredded documentation, newsprint, unused/unread mail, waste paper, off-cuts and any other paper and cardboard materials generated or rejected within the studio are recycled via locally controlled waste collection/depot. This also applies to aluminium and glass.

Spreading the word! As a design and marketing company and specifier of printed and manufactured marketing and promotional materials, we make it our responsibility to recognise a company's / organisation's own green or carbon offsetting policy, and ensure that our deliverables are provided in response to these policies. Where the client has no policy in place, we will stress the importance of developing such a policy from both an environmental point of view and also in terms of reflecting an environmental consciousness to others.

Ink cartridge regeneration Brilliant cooperate with branded ink cartridge manufacturers and their respective plastic ink cartridge recycling programmes. Wastage is totally eliminated as the sealed cartridges are returned to the manufacturer when expired and returned to production in accordance with their recycling/renewal policy.

Printed materials Recycled materials, materials from renewable sources and vegetable-based inks. Brilliant will recommend and continually tests eco-friendly printed materials by switching to vegetable-based inks (as opposed to solvent-based) and recycled materials or materials from renewable sources as soon as practical.

Energy usage Power usage is carefully monitored throughout the premises and considered when purchasing new production equipment.
  1. Computers and monitors are set to power down (sleep/standby) when inactive (overnight)
  2. Lighting and heating monitored at all times