An illustrative alternative to photography
Imagery in design plays an important role in communicating a message and dictating an overall tone of the artwork. The options for using imagery are endless, but one major choice a designer makes is whether to use bespoke illustration or realistic photography. The decision lies in which type of imagery best fits with a brand's style and communicates its message successfully.
July 23rd, 2015
Written by Jon Strube Imagery in design plays an important role in communicating a message and dictating an overall tone of the artwork. The options for using imagery are endless, but one major choice a designer makes is whether to use bespoke illustration or realistic photography. The decision lies in which type of imagery best fits with a brand's style and communicates its message successfully.
It may be the case that choosing the stock image option is the savvy way to go, millions to choose from at competitive prices! This route saves money and there for time and there for more money, but will stock photography give you the end result you desire and ultimately, will it capture your audiences imagination?
The sad truth to that question is probably not! As stock websites have been around for so long, we have seen most of what they have to offer, giving nothing more than the impression of an uncared for laziness. For all designers, the experience of stock photography is the same, there is nothing out there that will ever match up to your vision (unless you need some one giving a thumbs up into the camera).
Producing your own photography is a much better use of your time, you immediately give yourself full control over the output and it can instantly becomes the tone for your brand. Bespoke photography can be more expensive and more time consuming to organise but the final shots will support your design and get peoples attention.
If setting up a photo shoot seems daunting, time consuming or just out of budget, then hire an illustrator to create your imagery. llustrations offer endless opportunity for creativity. They can range from cartoon-like characters to abstract textures. Illustration could be the perfect solution to your needs if you’re looking to portray a unique brand personality that leaves a memorable impression or image in your viewer’s mind.
Using illustration can help simplify routes or ideas, such as diagrams to help your audience follow complex processes, characters can narrate your offerings or define a community. Illustration can also be modified after the fact to get it just right, where as photography has to be re shot.
You may feel that illustrations are childish and unprofessional but choosing an illustrative approach opens your world to infinite possibilities, it can inject serious personality to a brand, make you more approachable and taps into your nostalgic side. when browsing the Warren partners website, I actually clicked every link I could find, just to see the wonderful use of illustration on every page. If illustration is good enough for the likes of Coca Cola, Virgin, British Gas, Nike, Lloyds Bank and Credit expert then maybe it could work for you.